Webb Mountain Discovery Zone

Where science & history meet nature in a fun, hands-on learning experience

Discovery Summer

New This Year | Dates | Cost | Register | Testimonials

2025 REGISTRATION Is Now Open!

Summer fun is natural at the Discovery Zone! 
Plan to join us this summer for a week (or more) of unique programs 
for children entering Preschool (age 3**) through 8th grade

Discovery Summer will run from 9am to 12pm each day 

What's Happening at Discovery Summer?

Each week is unique, but there are a few things our campers can always expect: 

- Using dip nets and digital photography throughout the week

- Daily games, crafts, songs, and exploration

-Finding bugs, frogs, salamanders, and other animals along the trails

- The once-a-week water fun day

-Friday end of day skit/camper presentations for parents

- Having a blast outdoors!


Week 1: June 16 - June 20

Getting a closer look at bugs, making bird feeders, exploring the vernal pools, playing pirate-themed water games, and more!

Week 2: June 23-June 27 (Registration Full)

Scavenger hunts, exploring for worms, photography safaris, fairies and more! 

Week 3: June 30- July 3 * (Registration Full)

STEM Week! From evaporation to investigations and explosions, while we focus on science every week, we will take it to the next level and feature STEM for fun and new learning experiences!

*There will be a discounted price due to the holiday shortened week

Week 4: July 7 - July 11

Nature's Little Surprises; mushroom hunts, bio blitzes, grass heads, and more! 

Week 5: July 14 - July 18 (Registration Full)

Special rocks, photography safaris, identifying creepy crawlers, science experiments, trolls, and more!

Week 6: July 21 - July 25 (Registration Full)

Exploring the trails, practicing frog calls, finding salamanders, elf adventures, and more! 

Week 7: July 28 - August 1

Archaeological digs, sensory walks, learning about Native Americans, searching for dragons, and more! 

Week 8: August 4 - August 8

Counselor's Favorites from the previous seven weeks!

Specified activities for each week are subject to change

**All PreK's must be potty trained



*Because of how quickly registration filled last year, we are limiting signup to a maximum of four weeks per child in order to give as many children as possible the opportunity to participate this summer!

1 WEEK          2 WEEKS 3 WEEKS


*If you do not see the combination of weeks you are looking for please let us know!   

Age Requirements

Entering Pre-K through 8th grade!  

Typically children are placed into groups based on their grade in school for the fall of '24:

PreK&K; 1st grade, 2nd&3rd grade; 4th grade+


$150 for first child         |         $135 for each additional child

$255 for first child         |         $230 for each additional child


$355 for first child         |         $320 for each additional child 


  $450 for first child         |         $405 for each additional child 


*Week 3 participants will receive a discounted price due to the Independence Day Holiday and 4 day week

Reviews from Parents

"Let me first say what a great time my boys had at camp- you and the camp staff do such a fantastic job running such a great program. THANK YOU!!!! I have been so impressed- wish I had found Webb Mountain sooner.

-Karen Kellogg of Shelton

“My daughter just completed her second week of camp and we couldn't be happier.  She signed up originally for one week and begged to go again.  Mr. Tom and all the counselors were fantastic.  They put in such an amazing amount of work to ensure that the kids enjoyed every second.  My four year old bounced out of bed every morning excited and eager to get to camp.  We will definitely be back next summer.”
-Kate Hinrichsen of Trumbull

“It was great to have my son outdoors for several hours of the day, learning about things that I probably wouldn't expose him to myself.  What a great opportunity to educate my 3.5 year old-hands on and exploration!”
-Alessa Podolak Laczkoski of Monroe
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