presenting The Discovery Zone Rocks! Join us this summer for an interactive game of painted rock hide-and-seek throughout The Discovery Zone! |
Step 1 Find and paint a rock! Try to keep the painting nature-oriented. For instance, try painting your favorite plant or animal, the coolest thing you have found at the Discovery Zone, or your favorite thing about nature! Step 2 Take your painted rock to the Discovery Zone and hide it! Please try to hide your rock near one of the 27 learning stations (interpretive signs). Be mindful not to hide your rock near any poison ivy. Step 3 Take a picture of your hidden rock and email it to In the email, please include where you hid the rock. We will then be able to give clues to others on our Facebook page! Step 4 Look for other hidden rocks! If you find a hidden rock, do NOT touch or move it! Take a picture next to the rock you found, and add it to the comments section of our Facebook post. Don't tell others where you found it! |