Webb Mountain Discovery Zone

Where science & history meet nature in a fun, hands-on learning experience

Discovery Summer - 4 Week Registration

Follow the links to register:

Week 1 runs from June 17 to June 21 (Registration Full)

Week 2 runs from June  24 to June 28 (Registration Full)

*Week 3 runs from July 1 to July 5 (Registration Full)

*There will be a discounted price due to the shortened week

Week 4 runs from July 8 to July 12 (Registration Full)

Week 5 runs from July 15 to July 19 (Registration Full)

Week 6 runs from July 22 to July 26 (Registration Full)

Week 7 runs from July 29 to August 2 (Registration Full)

Week 8 runs from August 5 to August 9

Having trouble finding what you're looking for? 

Email us at: info@webbdiscoveryzone.org

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